Leadership 100 Support of Orthodox Christian Network by Demetra Ganias Soterakis

Connecting to OCN

Leadership 100 has provided generous support for Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) over many years. The most recent grant was for $250,000 over two years, 2015 and 2016. Total grant support from 2001 was $450,000.

OCN has become a pivotal player in helping millions of Orthodox Christians connect to their faith. OCN’s website, myocn.net, is something of a “dashboard” to keep Orthodoxy reachable and relevant. It is a resource to read, watch, and worship…taking Orthodoxy off the page of Scripture and into our hands, thanks to our app Spark OCN.

As a member of Leadership 100 and the Board of Orthodox Christian Network, I can attest that OCN has become an amazing ministry with the critical support provided by Leadership 100:

  • More than735,000viewers a week,worldwide.

  • More than6,000Orthodoxnews stories,videos,programs and interviewsshared in just twoyears ofour partnership.

With such support, OCN has become a voice for Orthodoxy throughout the world. Having spent my career in broadcast journalism, I believe it’s invaluable to create content that helps make Orthodox Christians a united, powerful force.

For the first time this year, OCN will celebrate a 30 Under 30 Initiative. We are working to identify 30 emerging leaders of our faith, under the age of 30, who personally and/or professionally further the impact of Orthodoxy.

We kindly invite members of Leadership 100 to nominate such trailblazers so we may honor them in the fall of 2017.

Orthodox Christian Network is grateful to Leadership 100 for furthering its Media Ministry Missions.


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