Message From Our Chairman

As we end the joyous holiday season, I am happy to report good news. Our membership efforts, after stirring events in New York and Houston, have resulted in 38 new members toward our goal of 50 by the Leadership 100 Annual Conference next February, which brings us to an historic total of 900 members. We are moving steadily toward our goal of 1,000 members by our 30th Anniversary in 2014.

At the same time we have not neglected our primary purpose, which is to support the National Ministries of our Church and respond to humanitarian need. The Executive Committee has followed a long-standing tradition of acting in emergency situations and has voted unanimously to grant $100,000 to the Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund established by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios. The Archbishop has designated His Grace Bishop Andonios, Chancellor and Director of Philanthropy, to oversee relief efforts with clergy in the affected areas, as well as with relief agencies.

Meanwhile, the 22nd Annual Leadership 100 Conference is turning into a star-studded event. The lineup now includes Jim Gianopulos, Chairman and CEO of Twentieth Century Fox, Alexander Payne, the Oscar-winning director and screenwriter, Nia Vardalos, the renowned actress, screenwriter and producer, Fr. John Bakas, the dynamic Dean of St. Sophia Cathedral in Los Angeles, as well as two of our own members, Michael S. Johnson, the pioneering petroleum geologist, and Mary J. Mitchell, fashion illustrator for top designers.

As always we look forward to the inspiring and educational Bible Study of Archbishop Demetrios and a full program of delightful entertainment, which will feature the sisters, Lexy and Stephany Prodromos, at the Hellenic Festival on Friday evening, February 8 and Dean Vali & Keffe both at the Hellenic Festival and the Grand Gala on Saturday evening, February 9.

The Executive Committee, Board of Trustees and General Assembly will hear reports on the new grants, newly elected members of our governing bodies, as well as our plans to continue to promote Leadership 100 and its unique mission across the country in 2013 and 2014. Needless to say, our commitments to support Holy Cross seminarians preparing for the priesthood and for the National Ministries will remain at the center of our concern. Our grants, which now exceed $34 million since our inception 28 years ago will increase substantially in the years to come if we continue to attract Greek Orthodox Christian leaders with commitment to our common values.

Connie and I look forward to greeting you in California during the Conference, February 7-10, 2013.

Warmest regards,
Charles H. Cotros, Chairman


Emergency Grant For Hurricane Sandy Relief


Nia Vardalos To Speak At Conference