86th Annual Archdiocesan Cathedral Gala Honors Fr. Robert and Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos

Archbishop Elpidophoros presents the Icon of the Holy Trinity to Marguerite and George Stephanopoulos in honor of their parents, Fr. Robert and Presvytera Nikki. Also pictured are nephews George and Athan Stephanopoulos, V. Rev. Archimandrite Chrysostomos Gilbert, Dean, and representatives of the Archdiocesan Cathedral.

The Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity held their 86th Annual Gala on Friday evening, May 31, 2024, at 583 Park Avenue in New York City. The Cathedral community, led by V. Rev. Archimandrite Chrysostomos Gilbert, honored former long-time Cathedral Dean Rev. Dr. Robert Stephanopoulos and Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos of Blessed Memory.  Sadly, Fr. Robert passed away on June 19. The family of Fr. and Presvytera were in attendance to honor Fr. and Presvytera, who served the Cathedral for many years. Presvytera served as Director of News and Information of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America for many years.

In his remarks to the Stephanopoulos family and those in attendance, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America remarked, “In a worthy tribute for this special occasion, we are honoring one of the longest serving Deans of this Cathedral, and one of the most respected clergymen of our Sacred Archdiocese, the learned Protopresbyter Robert (Haralambos) Stephanopoulos. And we are honoring as well the memory of his incomparable Presvytera, Nikki Stephanopoulos, whose falling asleep in the Lord last year marked an era in the life of our Church. Presvytera’s communications skills and contacts were legendary, and her contributions to the Archdiocese and our Patriarchate were inestimable. Together with Father Robert, they formed a remarkable partnership of prayer, piety, and purpose for Orthodox Christianity on these shores. Their children, George, Andrew, Mother Agapia, and Marguerite are a reminder of the power and prestige of this extraordinary household. In the persons of their children, we express our deepest gratitude for the many, many gifts that Father Robert and Presvytera Nikki gave to the Church of America. Their contributions – particularly to this Cathedral they shepherded for so many years – will never be forgotten.”


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