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Archdiocesan Presbyters Council National Clergy Retreat Held in Phoenix, Arizona

National Clergy Retreat participants

The Archdiocesan Presbyters Council (APC) 2023 National Clergy Retreat was held in Phoenix, Arizona, from October 30 through November 2. “It was one of the best-attended National Clergy Retreat in the history of the Archdiocese, with 218 registrants in attendance,” according to APC President, the Rev. Fr. Paul Kaplanis and APC Vice President and Retreat Chair, the Rev. Tom Chininis. The theme for the event was "A Call to Serve" based on 1 Peter 4.10: "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.'' The main speaker was His Grace Bishop Maxim of the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The event opened with an Archpastoral blessing from His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros. It was noted that this is the only event in the life of the Archdiocese besides the Clergy-Laity Congress that allows all clergy to have direct pastoral time with His Eminence as a group.

The Council and its members expressed gratitude for the underwriting support of Leadership 100 for the Retreat since 2011, which has helped the biennial retreat grow into an enthusiastic, dynamic and essential event in the life of the clergy and the Archdiocese with better attendance every year.

“The Leadership 100 funding has helped the APC add new features, keep the overall cost of the event affordable and provide financial assistance for clergy who could not otherwise attend. Simply put, it has helped change the life of our clergy for the better, thereby bringing great blessings to the Church,” according to Frs.  Kaplanis and Chininis.

The following notes are actual responses from participants in the 2023 National Clergy Retreat to the Executive Committee and members of Leadership 100. They were provided by the APC on behalf of the clergy as its collective and deep expression of thanks.  “Please accept them as our offering of love back to you and rejoice in the blessings you have made possible in the hearts and lives of the clergy who pray for you, love you and are there for you always!,” said Frs. Kaplanis and Chininis.  

Personal Thank You Notes to Leadership 100

 Beyond the chance to "unwind" or "relax" for a time, the spiritual renewal and connections made with brother clergy have always provided a strength in my work as a parish priest. Of course, the practical guidance, resources, and advice that is shared from other clergy throughout the country continue to pay dividends to parish ministry and wellness. A genuine and heartfelt THANKS to L100, not only for helping numerous clergy take part in these retreats, but with your help they have grown in efficacy and outreach, which has clearly benefited and strengthened the Church, the Archdiocese, and especially the Parishes throughout our country.

Dear Leadership 100, thank you for your conscientious and thoughtful contribution to the 2023 APC retreat. These retreats are way for us to recharge and remember the reasons we became priests. Both times I've attended, I've felt rejuvenation and refreshment after the retreats. Thank you so much!

Dear Leadership 100, thank you so very much for your continued generous support of the APC National Clergy Retreat. Without your assistance these retreats wouldn't be possible. We have few opportunities as clergymen to spend time together with those across the country. We know that we are all members of the One Body of Christ, and this retreat reinforces that fact. THANK YOU!

Dear Leadership 100, I am always humbled by the great vision of Archbishop lakovos and many of the pioneers of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese when they had the foresight to establish Leadership 100. The ministries and projects that have received initial or full funding from LlOO have helped the GOA expand and grow its outreach to meet the ever-changing needs of our Archdiocese, Metropolises and Parishes. Your support of HCHC is second to none - and your continued care of the Clergy of our Archdiocese  - provided through the grant that you offer the Clergy through the National APC - helps provide the opportunity for our clergy to afford to get together for these priceless opportunities of spiritual growth and camaraderie during the National Retreat.

I am personally grateful for the opportunity to attend these retreats. The relaxation, fellowship, time away from the stresses of parish life are blessings. I always learn new things and come back ready to engage in my ministry. I know that without the support of Leadership 100 the expenses of such a retreat would be too much. Thank you for all you do to bless us with these retreat opportunities.

I believe it is essential that organization support the clergy of the Archdiocese. It is wonderful that they offered such a support for the clergy. God Bless, and Thank you.

I cannot express enough how important it is that L100 subsides the APC National retreat. Without their support no one Metropolis or the Archdiocesan District could host these events. Also, there is no way that the clergy or the parishes could absorb the cost overrun. Seriously, to say thank you isn't really enough. Please know that I am grateful for the time away with my brother clergy and the retreat helps to make me better in my ministry to not only my parish but in the greater church at-large.

I don't know if I can put into words the proper thank you. Many years ago, struggling to raise a young family, Leadership 100 paid the lion's share of my student loan from Seminary. Leadership has also awarded the parish I am serving the small parish grant. In addition, you continue to show your love and appreciation for our priestly diakonia by providing so many offerings of love during the National Retreats. I pray that God will truly bless all of you for the generosity and love you have so freely shared with us!

I greatly appreciate the support that L100 has generously offered to our Archdiocese programs and clergy throughout the years. Their support allows many who would not be able to attend to have a chance to spend quality time with their brother clergy.

I thank Leadership 100 for their continued devotion to the clergy wellness of the GOA. These retreats allow us to connect with one another. We are all going through very similar situations, and the opportunity to be together with others who completely understand our vocation is helpful, rejuvenating and resourceful.

I'm personally grateful for your generosity! Thank you!

It is difficult to find the right words to offer to the faithful members of L100, for this team of devoted members of our parishes throughout the Archdiocese make possible incredible ministries. We, as clergy, love to serve our people day after day, month after month receiving the blessing of a few days of restoration in such environments, facilities, and even luxuries (uncommon to most of us) is truly encouraging for each of us. Thank you, good and faithful servants!

Members of Leadership 100, thank you for your generosity to the APC Retreat, your support over the years has created an environment for bonds to develop between clergy of different generations and regions to help strengthen us all in our ministries. Please, do not ever underestimate the value of this investment in the health and well-being of the Archdiocese clergy. God bless your example of stewardship.

On behalf of my brother priests, I am truly grateful for your support of our spiritual and emotional well-being. These retreats have many benefits. It's a nice escape from our busy lives, especially after the beginning of the new ecclesiastical year. It's an opportunity for us to get together with our brother priests, and to immerse ourselves in the brotherly support that we don't participate in as much as we need to. The educational opportunities are also important as they enhance our priestly and pastoral ministries. I'm just so grateful for your support and I pray that you continue to do so. May God bless all of you!

Once again, Leadership 100 invests in the clergy of our Archdiocese. This is one of the most important ways

Leadership 100 can keep our Church viable and growing for my children and grandchildren.

Once again, thank you for helping sponsor our retreat, these retreats are so important for us. Personally, they help me retreat from the stresses that come with parish ministry and offer me a chance to recharge my batteries. They also allow me to be with my dear classmates, some of whom serve across the country and only see at these retreats. I return to the parish feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to minister effectively. It is greatly appreciated.

So much of what keeps clergy going is knowing they are a part of something greater. L100 is helping to equip and fortify our clergy in a way that is only possible on a national level. Thank you!

Thank you for making the APC retreat possible! I had an amazing time, and it was so helpful to reconnect with old friends and mentors as well as make new friends. As clergymen, we rely heavily on the support of our brother clergy, so having this opportunity every two years is greatly beneficial in renewing and inspiring new energy for service to Christ and His Church.

Thank you for your assistance as it made the retreat more affordable to me and my parish!

Thank you for your generous gift to help make the Retreat a great experience for us who attended. I hope you will continue to support the Clergy who want to attend. We are truly blessed by your understanding of the need for this Retreat.

Thank you LlOO!!!

Thank you, Leadership 100, for underwriting the National Clergy Retreat. This was my first retreat, and I hope it will be the first of many. It was a great opportunity to interact with friends and mentors while making new friends. We heard a great and inspirational speaker and were able to find support and encouragement among the brother priests. Thank you!

Thank you, Leadership 100. Your continued assistance is critical, to assist well-being of our Archdiocese Clergy to attend these National Clergy Retreats, thank you.

Thank you, Leadership 100. We appreciate your support of the Clergy Brotherhood. These national retreats are a source of great joy, opportunity for fellowship, and refreshment to the Clergy.

Thank you so very much! I enjoyed this retreat and went back recharged and restored. Thank you to  Leadership 100 for always supporting their clergymen!

Thank you to Leadership 100 for your continued support and care for our Lord, our Holy Archdiocese and our clergy.

Thank you very much to Leadership 100 for helping underwrite this and previous national clergy retreats!!! This is invaluable and quite necessary!

Thank you! Your sponsorship made this retreat a beautiful experience!

Thank You, Dear members of Leadership 100, for your continuous love and appreciation for the Clergy of the Archdiocese.

The clergy, their families, and ultimately their parishes are all positively effected by your generosity! Thank you!!!

The national retreats are an invaluable experience for clergy wellness, and (I believe) measurably extend and enhance the ministry of our Archdiocesan clergy. The spiritual experiences, education, fellowship, refreshment, and rest afforded within the retreat strike the perfect balance to help empower us to re-enter the arena of parish life energized and enlivened. And this perfect balance and wonderful environment would not be possible without the generous financial support of Leadership, which continues to show a beautiful dedication to the clergy of our Church via its various grants (especially the APC retreat, and the HC/HC grant).

We are deeply touched and blessed by your generosity!

We are so grateful for the continued support of Leadership 100 for our National Clergy Retreat. These events make a real difference in the lives of our clergy, and we could not offer the level of event that has drawn so many over the years without your generous grant. God bless you all and THANK YOU!!

We truly appreciate your contribution to this retreat, which was really helpful to all the brothers to offer a better ministry.