Leadership 100

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Emergency Grant For Hurricane Sandy Relief

Charles H. Cotros, Chairman of Leadership 100, announced that the Executive Committee of Leadership 100, at an extraordinary teleconference call November 19, unanimously voted to grant $100,000 immediately to the Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund, established by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese on November 6 in the wake of the devastating storm that hit hardest in most Northeastern states, especially New York and New Jersey, as well as in the Middle Atlantic and Midwest.

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios designated His Grace Bishop Andonios, Chancellor of the Archdiocese and Director of Philanthropy, to coordinate all relief efforts with the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and other agencies, as well as with the clergy in the affected areas. He will also monitor the distribution of funds.

The Archbishop visited the Greek Orthodox Church of Holy Trinity/St. Nicholas in Staten Island, N.Y. on Sunday, November 4, which was hard hit by the storm. He presided over the Divine Liturgy and offered a Trisagion prayer service for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives. He also led the congregation in prayer for strength and comfort from God for all the people who lost their homes, their businesses and property and are suffering in the aftermath of the superstorm.

The Archbishop also had designated Sunday, November 11, 2012 as a day of prayer and offering on behalf of the victims of Hurricane Sandy and, on behalf of the Holy Eparchial Synod, issued an Encyclical in which he called upon all the faithful throughout the Church in America to pray fervently for comfort from above. We offer prayers of remembrance for those who perished and of solace for those who lost family members. We pray for the many who have lost their homes, and for those who are facing uncertainty regarding their jobs and livelihood.

Cotros said: "We have been witnesses to yet another great national tragedy, but we are comforted by the response of Archbishop Demetrios and the designation of Bishop Andonios. Just as with Hurricane Katrina, for which we provided $100,000 and the September 11 Relief Fund, for which we raised more than $500,000, Leadership 100 always stands ready to support humanitarian efforts during national crises."