Documentary "The Other Holy Land" Distributed To Public TV Stations

The Other Holy Land, a documentary that explores historical Christian sites in Asia Minor, now known as Turkey, was distributed to public television stations nationally on March 14.  The film was satellite distributed to more than 342 public television stations throughout the country as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Showings are scheduled at WNYE HDTV for Monday, April 8, 2013 at 8:30 pm and Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 11:00 pm. Leadership 100 provided $120,000 in major funding and assisted in developing the original production in 2001.

Public TV stations, most of which are PBS affiliates, have a three-year window to air and re-broadcast the program. Viewers are urged to contact their local PTV station to learn if and when it is airing The Other Holy Land.  Produced by Frank Frost Productions, McLean, Va., the film’s known broadcast schedules are available at

Examining ancient archeological sites situated in a vibrant modern Turkey, the program traces the earliest history and growth of Christianity in a region that played a major role in the transformation of Christianity into a worldwide religion.  Top scholars of archaeology and history guide viewers through three geographical areas – Cappadocia, Ephesus, and Istanbul.

In the documentary, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew speaks of the roots of Christianity in the region and is seen in rare footage celebrating the Divine Liturgy at holy sites in Cappadocia.

“Turkey today is a very modern country, where visitors can still discover secret churches carved out of rock, visit markets and landscapes that seem unchanged over two millennia, gaze on ancient icons, stand amid historic ruins, and walk in the footsteps of St. Paul,” said Frank Frost, the documentary’s writer and director. “And they can do this in a country that is overwhelmingly Muslim, but which welcomes Christians to these holy places,” he added.

“Viewers of The Other Holy Land experience the contrast between booming modern Turkey and ancient Christian and pagan sites,” said Mary Frost, the film’s producer. “They rediscover the early communities that welcomed Paul of Tarsus and John the Evangelist. They recall how the Emperor Constantine lifted Christians from persecution and embraced their faith himself, helping to turn it away from a fledgling religion into the institution of Christianity that we know today.”

Filmed on location in Turkey, the crew included director Frank Frost; Bob Ebinger, director of photography; Rick Patterson, audio recordist; and Suzonna Sullivan, production manager.  Robert Aubry Davis, a television and radio personality, is the film’s narrator.

The Other Holy Land is being distributed to PTV stations by NETA, the National Educational Telecommunications Association, Columbia, S.C. NETA provides quality programming to public television licensees and educational entities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

For more information, including a preview of the documentary, go online to


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