Leadership 100

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Paulette Poulos Honored as “Greek American Woman of the Year”

Paulette Poulos, Executive Director of Leadership 100, was honored as “Greek American Woman of the Year” by the Association of Greek American Professional Women (A.G.A.P.W.) in New York City on March 12, 2015.

The tribute, under the auspices of The Consulate General of Greece in New York in celebration of Women’s History Month, was attended by more than a hundred representatives of the Greek American Community, including George Tsandikos, Leadership 100 Chairman, and Argyris Vassiliou, Leadership 100 Vice Chairman.

The program opened with introductory remarks by Anthoula Katsimatides, Master of Ceremonies, and an invocation by the Reverend Dr. Robert Stephanopoulos, who also read a congratulatory message from His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios. Welcoming remarks were given by Dr. Olga Alexakos, President and Founder of A.G.A.P.W., as well as by Anthousa Iliopoulos, wife of the Consul General of Greece to New York, and Maria Logus, President of the National Philoptochos Society.

Prior to the introduction of Paulette Poulos by Dr. Eleni Andreopoulou, who was the featured speaker, Tsandikos spoke of his long-term friendship and association with Paulette and her half century of service to the Greek Orthodox Church and Community. He cited her long association with Archbishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory and her leadership positions of increasing responsibility. He said, “You have chosen an exemplary woman for this honor, one who does not discriminate by sex or religion or race, but who yet inspires women young and old by her loving and accepting presence.”

Along with the presentation of the Award by A.G.A.P.W., Paulette was also presented with a New York State Assembly Citation by Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas in recognition of her outstanding service and philanthropy, as well as professional success, in service to the Greek American and New York Communities. In addition, an Excellence Tuition Scholarship Award was presented, in her name, by Dr. Aphrodite Navab to Elena Karavassilis.

In her remarks, Paulette said she viewed her service to the Greek Orthodox Church and Community not as a professional accomplishment, but rather as a personal and spiritual fulfillment. She credited her parents for instilling in her faith, ideals and the importance of integrity and Archbishop Iakovos for mentoring her as he set the course for the Greek Orthodox Church and Community in America and around the world, believing in placing women in positions of responsibility. She described her current role as Executive Director of Leadership 100 as a continuation of his legacy and expressed indebtedness to His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, “for his trust in me and his paternal love and guidance”, to Tsandikos “for his sage counsel, guidance, support, love and friendship for so many years,” and to “an exceptional group of Officers, Board of Trustees and members who have offered their time, talent and treasure for the good of the Church and for Leadership 100.”

She closed her remarks by extending warmest gratitude to Dr. Alexakos, who as President and Founder, “devotes all her energies and untiring efforts to the success and advancement of A.G.A.P.W.”