Leadership 100

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George D. Behrakis Honored By Ahepa

George D. Behrakis, Chairman Emeritus of the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund, was presented with the 2010 Archbishop Iakovos Humanitarian Award by the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) on November 20th at the Northeast Regional Biennial Banquet of the organization at St. Barbara’s Greek Orthodox Church in Orange, Connecticut, outside of New Haven.

The Archbishop Iakovos Humanitarian Award was given for Behrakis’ service and philanthropy at the local, national and international levels. He was among honorees that included former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, the Honorable Judge Socrates H. Mihalakos, and Dr. John Elefteriades of New Haven’s Yale Medical Center.

A member of AHEPA for 50 years, Behrakis has devoted his philanthropy and leadership to a variety of institutions, including Northeastern University, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, where The George D. and Margo Behrakis Art of the Ancient World Wing was recently dedicated.

Behrakis, who was a pioneer in the pharmaceutical industry, is an avid churchman who has served as President of Lowell’s historic Holy Trinity Church, on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council, and as an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Order of St. Andrew. After many years serving on the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of Leadership 100, he became Chairman at a critical juncture in the history of the organization that saw dramatic growth. He was instrumental in its move to the Olympic Tower in New York City. After stepping down as Chairman, he continued his involvement, chairing with his wife, Margo, the 25th Anniversary Celebration Conference in 2009.

Replacing the national banquet held in Washington, DC, AHEPA’s newly instituted regional format as evidenced by the Northeast Regional Biennial Banquet has allowed greater accessibility to the area chapters in honoring their own in the presence of AHEPA’s national leadership. AHEPA Supreme President Nicholas A. Karacostas and Executive Director, Basil Mossaidis, were in attendance, as were a number of trustees, including Chairman Frank Marinos, who made the trip from Warren, Ohio. Supreme Vice President, Dr. John Grossomanides, served as Master of Ceremonies at the event, which was attended by 250 members and their guests.