Archbishop Iakovos Museum Iconography Dedicated

At the end of last year, Paulette Poulos, long-time Executive Assistant to Archbishop Iakovos, and Executive Director (Interim) of the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund, was on hand for the dedication of the spectacular iconography at the Archbishop Iakovos Museum. Part of the Archbishop Iakovos Library and Learning Resource Center, it is the only capital project supported by Leadership, which gave a grant of $1 million for its establishment at Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology in Brookline, MA.

Bishop Andonios of Phasiane presided at the Aghiasmos service along with the families of Randall James Katchis, who donated the icons in honor of his grandparents, Erasmia and John Tchakurides and Victoria and Theodore Katchis.

Noted iconographer, George Filipakis, also attended, as guests marveled at the stunning icons of The Pantocrator and surrounding Prophets, Saints and Evangelists.


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