Leadership 100

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25th Annual Leadership 100 Conference To Welcome 350 Members And Guests

George S. Tsandikos

The 25th Annual Leadership 100 Conference will convene at The Phoenician in Scottsdale, Arizona, February 18-21, 2016     with full registration of 350 members and guests. The gathering includes the annual meeting and a full program. “When we gather together annually, our mission is foremost in mind as we enjoy the fellowship, the programs and the activities. We are a joyful people with a seriousness of purpose who share the faith, values and heritage bequeathed to us,” said George S. Tsandikos, Chairman.

The Conference will begin with an Opening Forum on Thursday, February 18 led by the new President of Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology, the V. Rev. Christopher T. Metropulos, followed by the traditional Bible Study of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios. The Thursday afternoon Hellenism Forum will feature a special presentation on the Benaki Museum by Pavlos Yeroulanos, who served as Greece’s Minister for Culture and Tourism. There will be an official opening and Agiasmos service in the evening for the Benaki Exhibits, which will inaugurate their tour of the United States.

Another highlight is once again the “Symphony at Sunset” concert conducted by Leadership 100 member Peter Tiboris. Thursday evening will conclude with an Outdoor Welcome Reception. The program on Friday will begin with the General Assembly, followed by a lecture by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios.

The Business Forum, also on Friday, will feature a prominent member of Leadership 100, James M. Orphanides, Partner and President of Centurion Holdings LLC. Friday evening will conclude with the traditional Glendi.  The Saturday events will include a Special Forum in the morning conducted by Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis, former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary, who has published a book on her experiences in that post. Golf and Tennis Tournaments and Awards, and a Walk/Run will fill out the day’s activities. A program of youth activities will be organized by Maria Behrakis and Elaine Cotronakis.

At the Grand Banquet on Saturday evening, the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Award for Excellence will be presented to the worthy recipients. Prior to the Banquet, new and fulfilled members will be recognized with the presentation of Icons and Obelisks.

The conference will come to an end with the Sunday morning Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Phoenix presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, the Conference host.