Leadership 100

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Leadership 100 Conference Marks Growth

Constantine G. Caras, Chairman, delivered the good news to more than 400 members and guests of Leadership 100 at its 20th Annual Conference at the Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida, from February 24 to 27, 201l, that the organization had rebounded with growth in membership, contributions and the value of its portfolio, allowing an increase in grants. Caras said Leadership 100 continues to grow despite challenging economic conditions. He cited the increase of membership to 863, an increase of 34 new members, which included a total of 95 enrolled as Leadership 100 Partners Program and 5 enrolled in the Junior Partners Program, as well as 447 fulfilled members.

“Most significantly, the portfolio reached $67,826,000 at the end of last year and our Grants Program was reborn with vigor and purpose, totaling $1,031,600 for 2010, principally to the Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology scholarship program,” he said. “Additional commitments of $1,331,600 for the School are scheduled to be awarded in 2011, including another $1 million for the scholarship program, a $250,000 final payment on the four-year $1 million grant for Information Technology, and a $50,000 payment for the third installment of a five-year $250,000 grant for Vocation Ministry, bringing total grants to $30.4 million since the inception of Leadership 100,” he added.

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios asked the Executive Committee, meeting at the Conference, to proceed with the appointment of Paulette Poulos as Executive Director of the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment in accordance with the Regulations Article VII, Section A “in view of her dedicated and productive work.” Poulos had been Acting Executive Director since June of 2006, having served as Director of Development in 2005 after the passing of Archbishop Iakovos. She has been associated with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese since 1965 and served as the Administrator for Archbishop Iakovos from 1984 to 1996, continuing to serve him in his retirement.

Maria Allwin, the Conference Chair and a member of the Board of Trustees, told conferees that this year’s conference required careful and detailed planning to control costs while, at the same time, to create an inspiring program, which was evidenced by the traditional Bible Study  and Lecture by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and the featured speakers that included Ted Leonsis, the business entrepreneur and Dr. Peter Diamandis, the space pioneer, both of whom were honored with the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Award for Excellence and John McKesson Camp II, noted classical archaeologist and Michael Psilakis, the executive chef,  both of whom were given the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Award for Achievement. A special tribute was paid to Dr. Constantine “Takis” Papadakis, of blessed memory, a member of Leadership 100, in recognition of his many innovative contributions to education in the United States and to Hellenic ideals. The Archbishop Iakovos Archbishop Award for Excellence was  posthumously presented and accepted by his wife, Eliana Papadakis and their daughter, Maria Papadakis, who addressed the audience in a moving presentation on her father’s life and work.

In addition, Caras read a congratulatory letter from George Papandreou, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, who wrote, in part: “In the twenty-seven years since its inception, in 1984, Leadership 100 has more than surpassed Archbishop Iakovos’ vision. With the hard work and dedication of all of you, the members, staff and volunteers, Leadership 100 has become an invaluable ally to Archbishop Demetrios’ unremitting efforts to advance Orthodoxy and Hellenism in America.”

In accepting the Leadership 100 Award for Excellence, Ted Leonsis, a member of Leadership 100, characterized 

the organization as: "A network of individuals who approach life with a double bottom line pursuit-- we all want to do well by doing good". He also said of philanthropy: “Getting out of the ‘I’, and into the ‘WE’ via volunteering and giving back is a proven tenant for developing personal happiness and self actualization. It is one of the great gifts to leave behind to your children; the ability to serve others less fortunate than yourself.”

Leonsis, one of the country’s premier business entrepreneurs and a member of Leadership 100, is the founder, chairman and majority owner of Monumental Sports & Entertainment, which comprises three professional sports teams – the Washington Capitals (NHL), the Washington Wizards (NBA) and the Washington Mystics (WNBA) –, as well as Verizon Center and the Baltimore-Washington Ticketmaster franchise. He retired from active management of AOL in 2006, where during the previous 13 years he held a number of senior positions, including vice chairman and president. He retains the position of vice chairman emeritus.

Dr. Peter Diamandis, the other recipient of the Leadership 100 Award for Excellence, who is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, in addressing the Grand Banquet of the Conference on February 26, 2011, described the impact that exponentially growing technology has on companies, governments, and humanity and of the potential of creating a world of abundance, and the empowerment of small groups of “do-it-yourself” technologists to do what only governments or large corporations could do before. To a rapt audience, he outlined humanity’s future in space -- how we will travel there, build industries and launch future civilizations.

Lina Orfanos, a vocal artist with tremendous lyricism and versatility who has brought the best of Greek musical culture to an ever wider international audience, performed at the Grand Banquet. She has performed throughout the United States, Europe and the Middle East.

The new members of the Board of Trustees acknowledged at the Conference were: Lily Bentas of the Boston Metropolis; Tom Jordan of the Detroit Metropolis; John Moutsanas of the San Francisco Metropolis; Christopher Pappas of the Denver Metropolis; James A. Regas of the Chicago Metropolis; George E. Safiol of the Boston Metropolis; Kyriakos Tsakopoulos of the San Francisco Metropolis; and Theodore K. Zampetis of the Pittsburgh Metropolis.