New Videos Recount History Of Leadership 100

Leadership 100 produced with GOTelecom three new videos during the 24th Annual Conference capturing the history of the organization.

Two of the three surviving Founders of the original seven Founders called upon by Archbishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory to implement his vision for Leadership 100 were interviewed, along with the Chairman of Leadership 100.

In the first video, Arthur C. Anton, Founder and Chairman of Leadership 100 from 2000 to 2004, recounts his first meeting with Archbishop Iakovos when he was a priest in Boston in 1940 and the Archbishop’s idea to begin LOGOS, League of Greek Orthodox Stewards, the predecessor organization to Leadership 100. In the second, Peter M. Dion, Founder, recalls the early days of successfully recruiting members and offers his hopes for a new generation of leaders. Both are titled, “The Beginnings of Leadership 100”.

In the third video, titled “Leadership 100: Yesterday and Today”, Chairman George S. Tsandikos, pays tribute to the Founders and traces the dramatic growth of the organization and the programs and projects it has supported, principally under the spiritual leadership of Archbishop Demetrios.

All three videos are posted here and will continue to be posted for the foreseeable future under Contact Us on the website Menu as they provide a historical perspective up to the current day.


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