Message from the Friends of St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church & National Shrine

Dear Supporters and Friends of the St. Nicholas National Shrine,

As we approach the Twentieth Anniversary of the 9/11, The Friends of St. Nicholas want to acknowledge the inspiring leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, the amazing constancy of Father Alexander Karloutsos, and the devoted faithfulness of our fellow Friends of St. Nicholas. Together with visionaries from across the Church, we have achieved in eighteen months nothing less than a miracle – the resurrection of Saint Nicholas at Ground Zero. As we prepare for the completion of the exterior of the Shrine in time for the anniversary, and the blessing to be bestowed by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on November 2nd of this year, we count our blessings that we have been graced to be part of this mission.

With the renewed vigor that has accompanied the two-year ministry of the Archbishop, and with the truly extraordinary efforts by Father Alex and the Friends, we have crossed the threshold of being able to complete the Shrine. It is a miracle, a genuine triumph of faith, that we have raised the funds necessary to construct the Church and, so far, have raised approximately half of the REQUIRED $20 million endowment. We will not rest until the entire endowment is raised. Every contribution, both large and small, will be applied to this effort of endowing this National Ministry of the Church, so that its service to our Archdiocese, the United States, and the world will be ensured for all the generations to come.

The generosity of our Greek Orthodox community has been exceptional, but there is still outreach to accomplish. We want to share the good news of Saint Nicholas with all who care about the place of faith in public life, and the guarantees of religious liberty that are embodied in the American covenant. In the coming weeks and months, that outreach will begin to take place, as we invite those outside our communities to share in the mission of the Saint Nicholas National Shrine. With Archbishop Elpidophoros leading the way, the Shrine will take on capacities and profiles far beyond that of a parish church. It will represent Orthodox Christianity in all its glory, as well as the story of Greeks in America. It will also become a beacon for interreligious mutual respect, understanding, and the principle of religious liberty and pluralism that is foundational to our country. This notion of equality and inclusivity was attacked on 9/11, and the rebuilt and resurrected Saint Nicholas will send a clarion message that the freedoms we hold dear as Americans will not be broken by any act of hatred, no matter how inhuman.

If you have not already joined us in this exciting vision and mission for Saint Nicholas, we invite you with open arms. Everyone can be a part of this Shrine because it belongs to world.


Dennis Mehiel

Michael Psaros


Saint Nicholas at Ground Zero – A Shrine for the Nation


Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church & National Shrine – April 2021 Update